Signing up for the final exam period

You have to register for the final exam period in the neptun system till 8 March 2024.

In your neptun please go to "Administration", "Final exams". To register for a final exam period, please click on the icon at the end of the row, and select "Register/Edit registration" in the menu. 

In order to take the final exam, please note:

  • If you have unpaid items (also tuition fees or library fines) on Neptun, please pay them off till the end of the study period.
  • You have to return the borrowed books to the library.
  • You have to complete the subject Work and Fire Safety Training.
  • On Engineering Management MSc you need one semester of Physical Education signed on Neptun. On postgraduate programs no PE is needed!
  • On Engineering Management MSc you need to complete 6 credit points of optional courses (Please, check carefully the credit points of each subject, as some have 2 credits!) On postgraduate program no optional courses are needed!

You can register for the final exam period till 8th March on your own. 

You can drop the final exam period till 1st April on your own. 

After these deadlines you have to send this form (filled and signed) to the Department ( both for late registration and for deregistration. 

Last update: 2024. 02. 28. 18:54