Tasks and Deadlines for Graduands

Deadline/Period Task/ Period Details
12 February - 12 April 2024 (9 weeks) Study period for graduands  
22 February - 8 March 2024 Application for the final exam period in the neptun system Signing up for the exam period and its prerequisites
8 March 2024 Subject self-checking Where to check whether you completed all your subjects?
15 April - 17 May 2024 (5 weeks) Exam period for Graduands  
20 March 2024 Deadline for thesis data submission via MS form Link to the form
30 April 2024 Submission of confidentiality agreement, confidentiality request  Process of the confidentiality request and documents
22-23 May 2024 Deadline for submitting papers for plagiarism checking Plagiarism check information and guide
27 May 2024 Thesis submission in the e-learning system Details of submission and link to the e-learning course
29 May 2024 Deadline for DEA submission  (Electronic Archive of the University of Debrecen)  Key information on Uploading and guide
29 May 2024 Deadline for uploading external evaluations Information on evaluation, evaluation form
6 June 2024 Upload PPt files to e-learning system Information about the PPt file and upload

11 June 2024

Lean Engineer/Manager


12 June 2024 - Engineering Management MSc

13 June 2024 -

Engineering Management MSc;

Strategic Engineering and Sustainability Leadership


Final exam: 

11 June 2024 - Lean Engineer/Manager Postgraduate Training Program

12 June 2024 - Engineering Management MSc

13 June 2024 - Engineering Management MSc; Strategic Engineering and                       Sustainability Leadership Postrgraduate Training Program


Information about the final exam (questions, parts of the exam, conditions)
 30 June 2024 (4 p.m.) Graduation Ceremony Detailed information


If you have registered for the final exam but cannot attend for any reason, please notify your administrator at the Department, Ms. Tímea Török (torok.timea@eng.unideb.hu) and at the International Office, Ms Zita Szilágyi (szilagyizita@eng.unideb.hu) as soon as possible. 


Last update: 2024. 05. 09. 09:21