International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences

Faculty of Engineering, University of Debrecen launched a new journal in 2016, titled “International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences” (IJEMS) in English and “Műszaki és Menedzsment Tudományi Közlemények” in Hungarian, as a successor to the former “Debreceni Műszaki Közlemények”. IJEMS is an independent, peer-reviewed, quarterly published online journal, covering the topics of engineering and management sciences. The aim of the journal is to publish – in English or in Hungarian – the latest studies and research results of professors, lecturers, students and academic and industrial partners of the faculty. The journal accepts articles from the following disciplines: Civil Engineering, Economics, Econometrics and Finance, Environmental Engineering, Management Sciences, Materials Sciences, Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Applied Mathetmatics and Engineering Education, Sport Sciences.

DOI ID of the Journal: 10.21791/IJEMS

ISSN: 2498-700X

Link of the journal: International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences (


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All articles are archived in the university repository:

Columns of the Journal: 

  • Civil Engineering (edited by Éva LOVRA PhD)
  • Economics, Econometrics and Finance (edited by Judit T. KISS PhD)
  • Environmental Engineering (edited by Ildikó BODNÁR PhD)
  • Management Sciences (edited by Edit SZŰCS PhD habil)
  • Materials Sciences (edited by István BUDAI PhD)
  • Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering (edited by Tamás MANKOVITS PhD)
  • Applied Mathetmatics and Engineering Education (edited by Imre KOCSIS PhD)
  • Sport Sciences (edited by Éva BÁCSNÉ BÁBA PhD habil)
Last update: 2023. 09. 28. 08:20