The student is supported by the internal tutor (supervisor) and possibly by the external tutor (supervisor), however the task must be solved individually. The supervisors cannot provide the student with the solution of the task but they assist him/her in utilizing the literature read, tutorials and other documentations of the company, pointing out exaggerations, consequences of bad start or wrong calculations, laying down the conditions for individual work.
It is essential to start consulting with your selected supervisor on time. Alongside the production of the thesis continuous consultation is needed. Consultation is mandatory before you start the work and before you submit it. Sub-tasks to be solved are specified by the supervisors.
The profoundness of the elaboration and the proportion of the parts are specified by the supervisors, primarily by the internal one. Thesis is said to be appropriate for submission by the supervisors if it is entirely elaborated and meets the requirements of form and content.
Please take into account what kind of literature is available in regard with your selected topic.
Students are expected to give account of the work done on thesis in the framework of consultations, which is one of the requirements for the course, called MSc Thesis II.
The list below is not exhaustive. Students can contact any instructor with their own thesis topic suggestion.
The conditions on the acceptance of thesis as National Conference of Scientific Students’ Association (hereinafter NCSSA) topic are specified by the Faculty. The NCSSA work is supposed to meet the requirements in form and content for thesis. Furthermore, it is necessary that the committee of the Pre-NCSSA makes suggestions on the NCSSA work to become a thesis.
Topics on Engineering Management MSc
Dr. T. KISS Judit
Detailed topic descriptions here.
- Economic analysis of capital investment aiming at increasing the corporate capacity and productivity (expansion of production capacity).
- The return on investment.
- Investigations of Corporate Performance Measurement and Evaluation
- Economic study of the use of renewable energy sources (in terms of economy, efficiency and effectiveness)
- Econometric analysis (examination of the relationship between economic or technical variables).
- The existence or absence of relationship between variables.
- Business Process Improvement through lean management methods (Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma) and different techniques.
max. 10 students |
Dr. BUDAI István
- Life Cycle Assessment of industrial processes
- Comparative case study on renewable energy systems (especially solar systems)
- 3D simulation system building and simulation of industrial processes by Fishertechnik education system
max. 4 students |
Dr. MATKÓ Andrea
- Leadership
- Organisational culture
- Organisational development
- Quality management
- Project management
- Innovation Management (e.g.: Innovation role of top managers, Challenges in innovation management, Innovation in SMEs)
- Project Leadership
- Integrated management system IMS (QMS – ISO 9001, EMS – ISO 14001)
- Lean management
- Communication
- Management
8-10 students |
Dr. MÁTÉ Domicián
- The role of non- and renewable energy resources in output growth
- The effects of patents and trademarks on labor productivity in a sectoral approach
- An ERP system (SAP) in practice in the case of a business organization
- Electronic banking (E-banking) services in practice
- Comparative analysis of companies' financial performance
max.2 students |
- Business plan for a company Investment analysis
- Complex economical analysis of a company
- Human resource management (achievement, recruitmnet etc.)
- Marketing management (marketing strategy for a company, pricing, promotion etc.)
max. 10 students |
- Project finance as a financing technique; its characteristics, sources, resource structure analysis, development of a financial structure using a financial model, the risks of project financing and their management for a given project.
- Possibilities of developing integrated corporate risk management using risk management models (ISO, ERM, GRC, M_o_R).
- The economic issues of risk management and the implications of results for a given business.
- A theoretical and practical overview of risk assessment for a given business.
- Risk management
- Project management
max. 6 students |
BURI Zsolt
- The impact of industrial robotics on the macroeconomy
- Econometric analysis (examination of the relationship between economic or technical variables)
- Industrial process improvement with the use of BPM or Lean techniques
- Quality control system planning and evaluation
- Explorative case study in the field of TPM (Maintenance strategy planning, Capacity planning, OEE)
- Project management and project monitoring with LogFrame and QFD methods
max. 10 students |
Dr. MENYHÁRT József ( |
- Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Management
- Quality, Lean
- Maintenance Engineering
max. 10 students |
Dr. SZENDREI János ( |
- Renewable Energy Management Environmental Management
- Logistics
- Supply Chain Management
max. 10 students |
Dr. KISS Szabolcs
- Advanced Warehouse Systems
- Digital Logistics
- Digital Logistics Management
max. 3 students |
Topics on Strategic Engineering and Sustainability Leadership postgraduate program
Judit T. KISS PhD |
- Examination of sustainable development awareness and its related factors
- Examination of environmental sustainability (GHG, energy consumption, carbon dioxide emissions and influencing factors)
- Responsible consumption and production (recycling, waste), Circular economy
- Economic sustainability and environmental sustainability
- Corporate sustainability (strategic goal, corporate performance, corporate social responsibility)
Domicián MÁTÉ PhD |
- The challenges of the Sustainable Development Goals
- New perspectives in global operations management for industry (Sustainable Lean, IR 5.0, etc.)
- Sustainable Green Cities (Urban Bioresources)
- Sustainable Mobility (Sustainability of Vehicle Industry)
- Sustainable Energy (Renewable and Waste Energy Use, Alternative Fuels)
- EHS and Sustainability (Environment, Health and Safety in Sustainability Strategies)
- Environmental Management (Sustainable Soil and Water Management)
Tünde JENEI PhD |
- How social and environmental factors relate directly or indirectly to risk management?
- How effective is risk management strategies in developing a business?
- Considering the factors related directly to risk management in a company, which is the most important?
- Strategic risk management in organizations: A case study approach.
- Management and financial problems of implementing risk frameworks.
- Identification and analysing of risk factors affecting cost of project/business.
- Financial issues of risk management and the implications of results for a given business.
- Crisis management
- Change management
- Organisational Development (OD)
- Corporate strategy
- Human strategy
- Motivation
- Life-cycle assessments (LCA)
Zoltán DOROGI |
- Sustainability issues of a chosen industry and the characteristics and changes of its activity, eg:cosmetic industry, clothing manufacturing, automotive industry, (food) packaging, paper industry, furniture production, food production.
- Market and availability of green/bio/ organic products for consumers, including conditions of these products.
- Analyzing annual sustainability reports of a company (analyze and compare at minimum 3 reports)
- The role of the leader in the development of sustainable strategies
- The strategic leader of the future and/or required competencies
- Managing organisational performance
- Assessing the impact of a chosen factor on organisational performance
Topics on Lean Engineer / Lean Manager postgraduate program
Géza HUSI PhD |
- Computer simulation of production processes for LEAN analysis
- The impact of organisational culture on the introduction of lean approaches
- The role of leadership in lean organisations
- Change management within the lean context
Norbert MÁTRAI |
- Effect of workplace ergonomics on waste reduction and production efficiency
- Role of OEE structure and loss analysis in improving efficiency of production equipment
- Benefits and requirements of pull production and logistics systems
- Cultural and human aspects of lean management
István BUDAI PhD |
- Analysis and development of activities (production, service) using LEAN methods
- Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Management
- Quality, Lean
- Maintenance Engineering
Timotei István ERDEI |
- Engineering and integration of 3D CAD models for simulation environments, for testing and analyzing
- Use of Machine Learning (Artificial Intelligence) for the recognition and categorization of unique objects
- Engineering and optimization of simulations for industrial production lines
- Use of Ros OS - Linux to create Cyber-Physical spaces for the pre-conditioning of vehicles
- Engineering and navigation of drone units in 3D virtual space (Swarm Robotics)