Evaluation of the thesis

As by the calculation of the diploma grade the thesis grade is taken into account, let's see the grades you will have connected to the thesis and which one is taken into account when calculating the diploma grade.

1. The course MSc Thesis I
This grade evaluates your work during the semester.

2. The course MSc Thesis II
This grade evaluates again your work during the semester, and the quality of your (almost ready) thesis is also evaluated within. 

3. Supervisor's review
Thesis is reviewed and graded by the supervisor and he/she sends it to the Department.

4. External assessment
Thesis is reviewed also by an independent reviewer.

If the thesis is confidential or has been prepared with the help of an external consultant using company data, a person whose identity is approved by the company will be asked to act as reviewer. The reviewer may be an external consultant, a company employee or a professional associated with the company. The suggestion for the reviewer's person will be stated on the form when the student submits the thesis details. 

In the case of unclassified papers, the student may propose a reviewer himself/herself. According to the Faculty of Engineering's regulations on the preparation of theses and dissertations, the reviewer must have a degree at least at the level of the degree course in which the thesis is submitted. 
If the student/company does not have a suggestion for the reviewer or if the company cannot/will not provide a reviewer, the Department will request an external referee.

The Final Exam Committee will receive both of grades as suggestions, but these are not your final grade. 

You can download the template of the assessment here. 

5. Thesis defence
As part of your final exam you have to present your thesis and answer the questions of the committee. Based on this presentation (and taken into account the reviews) the final exam committee will give the final thesis grade
If thesis has been unequivocally assessed with a fail by the supervisor, then the candidate is not allowed to take the final exam and is supposed to prepare a new thesis. The candidate has to be notified of the decision. Conditions on resubmitting thesis are defined by the program coordinator.

Last update: 2024. 02. 28. 19:33