Process, deadlines

Students work in two semesters on their thesis. In the first term, in the framework of the subject "MSc Thesis I" they have contact hours, but the tasks are already connected to the special topic, therefore students have to contact already in this semester the professor/instructor they would like to work with on the thesis. 

In the second semester students register for MSc Thesis II to the supervisor. 

Deadlines in the graduating semester:

Deadline Task
During registration period. 

Registration for the course "MSc Thesis II"

Please select in the neptun system the course with your supervisors name. If there is no course open with his/her name, write a mail to    

Till 15 November, 2023

Submitting data about thesis

Thesis topic is announced to the Department by filling out and sending in this google form.

The title of the thesis can be modified later via email (to

Please note, the Department prepares a so called thesis sheet, which is an official document with a serial number and the most important data of your thesis. The thesis sheet is signed by the head of the department and is to be bound to the thesis. Therefore it is important in case of modifications in the title to announce the final version in time. 

19 December, 2023

Thesis, Evaluation of the Thesis and Ppt submission (in the e-learning system)

16-18 January, 2024 Thesis defence (as part of the final exam)
Last update: 2023. 11. 20. 09:27