Subject self-checking

Please download your curriculum from this page and go through all the subjects to make sure all prerequisites are meet to graduate in this semester.

Please use the surface in the neptun system Studies > Gradebook > All terms. Only subjects where the green tick is to see are really completed. Make sure you don't have offered, but not accepted grades or declined subjects. 

How to sign up for the final exam.

Please check whether or not

  • you completed all subjects in your curriculum or you are registered for them in this semester,
  • you completed criterium subjects if relevant (see table above) or you are registered for them in this semester,
  • you completed pre-master subjects (on Engineering Management MSc if relevant).

If you find a problem in previous semesters (e.g. unaccepted offered grade), let Ms Zita Szilágyi know and she helps you!
You have to do this, because without the completion of all requirements you are not allowed to graduate and if you forgot to complete a subject - even just Work and Fire Safety -, you are still in time to register for it. 
By optional subjects, please check the credit points, it should be at least 6 credits and some of the optionals have only 1 or 2 credits, like German language or Hungarian language.
At the end of the semester a checking of the completion is made also by the Faculty.

Last update: 2024. 02. 28. 19:03