Pre-master courses

What are pre-master courses?

For each master’s it is defined by the Higher Education Act what kind of studies are required from earlier studies (from BSc or from possible MSc trainings).

Depending on the earlier studies of the applicant one of the following cases will apply to her/him: 

1.    Applicant has a bachelor degree of a certain major and he/she chooses the same master’s training program (e.g. with a Mechanical Engineering BSc degree you apply for Mechanical Engineering MSc). In this case credit points can be fully recognized and the application is accepted (without prescription of pre-masters courses).   

 2.    Applicant has a bachelor degree of a certain major and he/she chooses a different master’s training program (e.g. with a Mechanical Engineering BSc degree he/she applies for Mechatronical Engineering MSc). In this case the Department responsible for the major will check his/her BSc transcript (the completed subjects), compare it with the prerequisites defined in the “Educational and Outcome Requirements” of the major, and fill out the form Decision about Credit Recognition in which the Department either accepts or refuses the application as follows:  

a. If the applicant fulfils the prerequisites defined in the “Educational and Outcome Requirements” of the major, the Department states in the Decision about credit recognition that the application is accepted and no further discipline-bringing courses should be completed.  

b. If the applicant nearly fulfils the prerequisites defined in the “Educational and Outcome Requirements” of the major, the Department states in the Decision about credit recognition that the application is accepted, the applicant may start his/her studies if he/she agrees to complete the prescribed pre-masters courses in his/her first academic year.

c. If the content of the bachelor degree of the applicant is very far from the science field of the master’s program, it can happen that the prerequisites defined in the “Educational and Outcome Requirements” of the major cannot be fulfilled not even by completing pre-masters courses. In this case the Department refuses the application.

The “Educational and Outcome Requirements” of Engineering Management Master's defines the following: 

  1. Bachelor’s degrees with full credit point recognition 
  2. How many completed credit points can be taken into account and from which fields
  3. Relation of the completed credit points and application 

Entry requirements Engineering Management MSc

Credit points can be fully recognized from: Technical Management Bachelor’s degree 

Completed credit points can be taken into account from following fields:

  • Natural Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Mechanics, Materials Science, Biology): 20 credit points;
  • Economics and Humanities (Economics, Corporate Finance, Quality Assurance, Environmental Management, Statistics in Economics, Social Science) 10 credit points;
  • Professional Skills (Technical Drawing; Machines, Constructions, Computer Science and Applications; Manufacturing and Technological Skills; Management; Finances; State Administration and Law; complex professional skills from the field of Engineering, Technology, Management and Economics): 20 credit points.

Application accepted without description of pre-master courses

Application accepted with description of pre-master courses

Application not accepted

In case of any BSc degree

over 50 credit points

30-49 credit points

0-29 credit points

Students with a minimum credit point of 30 from previous studies can start their studies on Engineering Management MSc. The missing credits should be obtained in the first two semesters of the program. 


How do I know whether I have to complete pre-masters?

The Acceptance letter  sent via email by the Coordinating Centre for International Education contains the title of the eventuell pre-master courses or you can get information about them via email from your Faculty Coordinator, Ms Judit Bak ( 


What happens if I don't complete these courses?

Pre-masters courses are not included in the curriculum but students whose credit recognition form specifies the completion of pre-masters courses have to complete them as an award requirement. The completion is checked after the second semester and in case of missing pre-master courses, the process of cancelling the student status starts. 


What should I do if I have to complete a pre-master course, but I studied the subject in my previous studies?

The decision about the pre-master courses is made by the Department based on your transcript of records. In certain cases the title of the subject doesn't reflects the real content or the quality of the uploaded document in not sufficient. If you have studied the material of the specified pre-master subject, please send a detailed official course description about it to Ms Judit Bak ( and the decision can be reconsidered. 


Where can I see my pre-master courses?

As these subjects are a precondition for entering the Master's program, they are not part of the Engineering Management MSc program, you will complete them in the framework of a different training programme that is called "Preparatory for Master (Engoneering Management MSc)". You can find the training (and the registered courses) in your neptun system. After entering the system in the upper left corner find "Training". When clicking on it, you can choose from the options "Preparatory for Master (Engoneering Management MSc). Then go to "Subjects", "Registered subjects" and select the actual semester. 


The Department of Engineering Management and Enterprise is responsible for opening the pre-masters courses on Neptun and students are registered for the defined courses by the Department at the beginning of the term in the subject registration period.


What should I do, if I don't see the registered pre-master course in my schedule?

Generally speaking pre-masters courses take place in block sessions either in the registration week or in the drawing week (also known as reporting week) or in the examination period. Course participants are informed about exact date and venue for the classes by the course instructor(s) via email/Neptun message.

In certain cases they can be also scheduled. 


Do pre-master courses count as optional subjects?

No, pre-masters courses are not included in the curriculum, therefore the credit points are also not counted in the 120 credits. 


Pre-master courses for Engineering Management MSc students:

MFBEF71M08-EN Basics of Economics (10 hours, exam)
MFBOM71M08-EN Basics of Management (10 hours, exam)
MFBAC71M08-EN Basics of Controlling and Accounting (10 hours, exam)

MK7ENMAG03XX17-EN Engineering Materials (10 hours, exam)

Last update: 2023. 09. 27. 11:37