

Plagiarism is presenting someone else's work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition. You can and must of course use sources, literature, but the Literature review in your thesis should contain all of these sources and in the text you should always refer to the source. A more detailed guide for references and citations will be uploaded soon. 


Plagiarism declaration

Compulsory element of the thesis is the plagiarism declaration filled out and signed by the student. It is the students statement that the thesis is his/her independent work, he/she confirmed to the rules on copyright regarding the references and citations. 

Please fill out, print, sign and scan the document below and insert into the thesis the scanned version. 

Plagiarism declaration


Plagiarism check

The University of Debrecen also performs plagiarism/similarity screening using Turnitin and iThenticate filters. Graduate students are given the opportunity to have their thesis evaluated in advance. The guide for uploading is available here.

Class ID    Enrollment Key
38927752    20240601

During the plagiarism/similarity check, the essay will be uploaded to Turnitin's closed system. During the check, the software searches for matches between the online content it covers and the essay currently being examined. A possible match does not in itself constitute plagiarism, since if the author of the essay has cited the relevant part in accordance with the citation rules, no infringement has been committed.

Important: The fact that a possibly low value is found does not mean that the essay cannot contain a plagiarised part. Regardless of the screening result, the checker will review the essay thoroughly and, if necessary, discuss the questionable parts with the student. 

Possible reasons for the low score: 
- The program only compares online content. So if a piece of writing exists only on paper, the program will not find a match.


Last update: 2024. 09. 11. 12:27